Stacey Li
Engaging in Social Media
Solid work experience...
I believe that actions speak louder than words. Only with solid work experience, you will know how to put your knowledge into practices. Since I entered the university, I tried to equip myself by working in different companies. When I was working for Social Power Intelligence, a social media data analysis company, I had assisted in different projects, the clients include:
My job duties include social listening analysis on:
Post Details and Sentiment - to find out the hot topics on social media
Hot Buzzwords - to find out the most frequently mentioned keywords
Online Share of Vocie - to find out the online share of voice (SOV) of the clients and their competitors
Other than social media listening...
Facebook fan page posts written for Sun Life Financial Hong Kong
With the social media listening data, I can work on social media engagement tasks like writing Facebook fan page and blog posts. It can help the clients to gather more leads and boosts the Search Engine Optimization (SEO).